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Big Hero 6


By Ivy Huynh

          Have you ever watched Big Hero 6? Did you ever hear about it? Big Hero 6 is a Disney movie that came out on November 7, 2014. It is another cute, sad, animated movie by the director of Frozen. Big Hero 6 will bring laughter, tears, and anxiousness; any age can enjoy this production.
          The movie starts off with a boy named Hiro Takachiho who likes to create robots with microbots. His brother, Tadashi Hamada creates a robot named Baymax. Baymax is a robot who looks like the michelin tire man. To activate Baymax, you need to be hurt. Baymax’s purpose is to care for people’s health. He is kept in a box until someone mentions pain. He will inflate out of the box to help. When he helps you with your problem, he will say,” Are you satisfied with your care?” When you say I’m satisfied, he will shut down.

          Baymax is super funny. He and Hiro have a hilarious handshake that goes like this,” Falalalala”. Baymax will always say,” Hi I’m Baymax.” There’s one part in the movie where he says,” Haaaaaiiiiiirrrryyyyyy Baby!” It is super duper funny what comes out of Baymax’s mouth.

          Baymax and Hiro gets really close after such a tragedy. Hiro comes up with ways to make Baymax indestructible. He also turns himself and his 6 teammates into heros. Together, they will help find a way to get Hiro’s microbots back from the person who stole them. That’s why the movie is called Big Hero 6.

          Whenever you are feeling sad and want to watch a movie to cheer you up, I would recommend Big Hero 6. Big Hero 6 is funny, sad, and will make you anxious to know what happens. You should watch it no matter what age you are. You’ll love it. Thank you for reading my summary on Big Hero 6. Hope i didn’t say too much.

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